Create QR Code For Email Address

Email is one of the modern and professional ways to communicate with other users. In this article, I will tell how to create a QR code for an email address using the My QR Code Generator website. First, we should know some basics of email.

What is an email?

Email stands for electronic mail. It is a fast method of sending and receiving mail using digital devices through an encrypted internet network. A user can send text, links and files like images or videos to another user by mentioning their email address. You can make your email address through popular email providers like Gmail and yahoo mail.

What kind of information is required to make an email QR code?

To make an email QR code you need an Email Address (E.g. [email protected]), Subject (E.g. For Your Information) and your message in the text box.

How to create a QR code for an email address?

Follow the instructions step by step.

  • Open in your web browser.
  • Fill in the recipient's email address under the "send to" section. This email address will be used to receive after scanned by the user. For instance [email protected].
  • Next, you need to enter the subject of the email, it depends on the purpose of contact. Try to make it short for example Give us feedback or complaint etc.
  • After that add the message under the "text" section. This will be pre-written text so don't make it lengthy. For example, you can start with "Thanks for contacting us, please give your honest feedback/complaint on the service".
  • At last, check that all the information is correct, then save the QR Code and download it in PNG or SVG image file format.
  • The default QR code will be in black and white color but you can change design, color and style according to your requirements.

Things to check while creating a QR code.

  • Inaccurate Information: An incorrect email QR code can waste thousand of printed paper, so it is wise to check the email address and other information are correct before pressing the save button.
  • Limit: You can only add 1000 characters in the email text, so keep it in mind and write an email message under the limit.
  • Quality: Make sure the quality of the QR code is high and there is enough contrast ratio between front & background.

Benefits of using Email QR Code

  • Convenience: When sending an email to others, you will always need a person's email address. There is a slight chance of typing the wrong email address if you are typing manually. QR Codes solve this issue because they show information when scanned.
  • Collect Feedback/Complaints: It is useful for product manufacturers or service providers to collect customers' feedback and complaints through QR codes. It saves the time of the customer that would be wasted to find the contact email address on the web and directories